
The Client

eni EAP Services provides total well-being solutions aimed at fostering a vibrant and healthy workforce. Their services cover a wide range of needs, including mental health support, telehealth, legal and financial assistance, organizational training, and confidential reporting services.

The Problem

eni EAP Services needed a website that not only reflected their comprehensive range of services but also effectively guided their diverse audience to the right resources.

Their existing site lacked structure, making it difficult for users to navigate the extensive content and find the support they needed.

Additionally, the website’s content was outdated and not aligned with the brand’s forward-thinking approach to employee well-being.

The Goal

Our goal was to revamp eni’s online presence by creating a user-centered experience that catered to their four primary target audiences.

We aimed to redesign the site to be vibrant and visually engaging while ensuring that users could easily navigate the vast amount of content.

This included reorganizing their extensive resources and updating the site’s copy to resonate with their mission and values.

The Solution

A new content strategy based on four distinct user journey flows tailored to eni’s target audiences, ensuring that each user type could quickly and easily access the information most relevant to them.

A new website design, and copywriting for the entire site.

A reorganized resources center, from their plethora of content including whitepapers, articles, documents, and case studies, into a unified resources center.

New User Pathways that guide each user type to a tailored experience, leading them to user-type-specific pages that serve as effective landing pages for campaigns and targeted marketing efforts.

Working with Alfie and his team was an absolute pleasure! The new website looks stunning, and the user experience is so much more intuitive. Their attention to detail and ability to translate our needs into a seamless, vibrant platform exceeded our expectations. I’m thrilled with the results and can’t wait to see how our users benefit from this incredible transformation.

Skye Tolendini

Marketing Director

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