Savant Playback

The Client

Savant Playback offers high quality products for Playback Engineers, AV Technicians, and Show Control professionals, including customized products.

The Problem

They needed to simplify the production of their custom rack panels because the customization of the files was too time consuming.

The Goal

To create an app that would provide personalization for the customer and simplify the production process.

The Solution

A responsive app that not only allows the user to personalize their rack panel, but also generates production-ready files for SavantPlayback.

App looks really good. Cart system is fire! I’m really excited about this and I know it’s been a heck of an undertaking but I’m really happy with the result and sing your praises to everyone I know. It’s really cool to see in action. People are really excited and loving it so far.

Steve Primo

Founder & CEO

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